How would it feel to know someone is crying because of you at this very moment? How would it feel to simply know that because of you, a person’s beautiful reflection is shattered, like a pretty held with care vase into fragments of baneful glass.

I doubt it would feel pleasant.

Such guilt would it bring to my conscience If ever I experience such. Deep shame and self blame would overpower my heart.

Some things are really best left unsaid. The tongue is indeed sharp, it can slice a person’s dignity clearly in two, if ever certain matters are declared and talked about. So knowing this, why cause an outrage? A scandal? For what purpose? To prolong or extend a new chapter to an already- closed story.

Matters were already settled and the broken vase was ‘seemingly’ wholeheartedly fixed. And the story was better left cut short. Why is here a need to open the story for additional writing? Why not think of the consequences when you speak? Why not consider the outcomes before moving your skillful mouth?

If you’ve had good logic and common sense, and considerable respect for a person (especially if you spent moments together and you’re obviously not strangers to each other) you would’ve had the right mind to keep your muzzle shut tight.

Would you have the heart to disgrace a person who trusted you and believed in you a hundred percent? A person who thought not only of your well-being, but also giving you concern which you do not even deserve.

A lie, a cheat; perhaps that’s who you’ll be if ever a circumstance occurs. Nothing more than a rogue, a scoundrel who paid attention only to self satisfaction and happiness…A person, an insect- treating the other like dirt.

Selfish, a thief of all the years of earning a name and dignity, not to mention of course, self-respect. Adevil who laid person’s image eagerly to be read like an open book. After all these, how would you find a courage to face the person you betrayed? Would you feel ashamed of your skin or will you wear it like your shining armor-like pride?

After great pain caused, would you still have the courage to show your guise? After ruining a name, after discrediting a person, would your conscience stay clean?

It’s more painful knowing that the one who did the betrayal is not your age- very young like your very own child. It’s betrayal and disrespect at the same time.

Things were already said and betrayal already done…nothing can change that. One would live with guilt and the other would never forget such experience with a person who had such a nerve.

To those who felt betrayal…hold on to your faith and look above where your heart has been sent to be healed. Surely, God has more in store for you.And as for the guilty ones, I have only these to say:May God bless you indeed. (Farah Iman F. Deogracias)

*This article written by one of my student-writer was so memorable to me!!! Just want to share it here! Thanks Xuxa for this article!


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