CONGRATULATIONS,Asher! (3-Sapphire 09-10)
i can't forget...this... I had this unique bday treat from them!
Sapphire's secret winning formula is TEAMWORK!
Pix taking is made this class closer!
It is with great joy that I extend my advance warmest CONGRATULATIONS to all of you...
Along with my sincere salutations is my fervent hope that the years you have spent within the halls of NEUHS have made greater impact in your life, as you are about to enter a tougher and more competitive world.
As you stand in the threshold of another chapter of your life, I wish you all the very best thta you truly deserve. Remain steadfast in your FAITH in entrusting in Him all your plans, dreams and goals in life.
May you always remain humble and patient that in terms of defeat and disillusionment, you may find wisdom and courage to continue conquering, surviving and achieving what is there to achieve.
On a more personal note, I would like to say...thank you, my dear studes-for I was given a rare opportunity to handle a group of students worthy of praise and admirations. You were able to show how it is to become 'good studes' in terms of behavior and of academics...
One year is longer enough for me to feel the warmth and affectionate athmosphere being with all of you, guys. Those moments we shared-the mall, the mcdo, the swimming, or simply the short time spent tsikahan anywhere in school- are all cherished memories that will remain one the most meaningful pages in my life story as a teacher. Words are not enough to convey my sincere thanks and appreciation!
I know we had also shares of misunderstanding. I just hope they will be just be bubbles in the air...that will remain spices of the colorful moments we had shared in the past!
As you are about to leave us...always bring with you the values of thankfulness and gratitude. Look back to people, ( who are in one way or another are instrumental in your attainment of knowledge and achieving life's goals) and of course to your beloved Alma Mater. I know someday, NEUHS will be proud of all of you!
For sure, your parents are beaming with pride on your graduation day. Like them, your teachers are also very happy for this initial achievements. Our prayers will always with you.
Again, Congrats, my dear sapphire (hope you wont mind if used this name, not asher...^___^
coz it was in this section-i felt the love and warmth of being a teacher. LOVE YOU ALL guys!
Hope you wont forget! GODBLESS ALWAYS, mi hijas y hijos!
ur chermed

Along with my sincere salutations is my fervent hope that the years you have spent within the halls of NEUHS have made greater impact in your life, as you are about to enter a tougher and more competitive world.
As you stand in the threshold of another chapter of your life, I wish you all the very best thta you truly deserve. Remain steadfast in your FAITH in entrusting in Him all your plans, dreams and goals in life.
May you always remain humble and patient that in terms of defeat and disillusionment, you may find wisdom and courage to continue conquering, surviving and achieving what is there to achieve.
On a more personal note, I would like to say...thank you, my dear studes-for I was given a rare opportunity to handle a group of students worthy of praise and admirations. You were able to show how it is to become 'good studes' in terms of behavior and of academics...
One year is longer enough for me to feel the warmth and affectionate athmosphere being with all of you, guys. Those moments we shared-the mall, the mcdo, the swimming, or simply the short time spent tsikahan anywhere in school- are all cherished memories that will remain one the most meaningful pages in my life story as a teacher. Words are not enough to convey my sincere thanks and appreciation!
I know we had also shares of misunderstanding. I just hope they will be just be bubbles in the air...that will remain spices of the colorful moments we had shared in the past!
As you are about to leave us...always bring with you the values of thankfulness and gratitude. Look back to people, ( who are in one way or another are instrumental in your attainment of knowledge and achieving life's goals) and of course to your beloved Alma Mater. I know someday, NEUHS will be proud of all of you!
For sure, your parents are beaming with pride on your graduation day. Like them, your teachers are also very happy for this initial achievements. Our prayers will always with you.
Again, Congrats, my dear sapphire (hope you wont mind if used this name, not asher...^___^
coz it was in this section-i felt the love and warmth of being a teacher. LOVE YOU ALL guys!
Hope you wont forget! GODBLESS ALWAYS, mi hijas y hijos!
ur chermed
one thing is sure-sapphire was my best year so far, in HS! i will cherish all those momentous times we had shared! <3