mY dEAR 2-pHiLIPpiAnS

It's obvious that individual differences-(indivuality) is one of the reasons why sometimes its quite difficult for you to stand as one, but with constant advising and persistent efforts to work hard toward one goal- again, you prove to me and to others that you can achieve something and be victorious once you unite and stand together!
aS your adviser, there maybe times, that I wasn't able to attend to some of your needs, yet-in as much as I want to be there with you always-I had some other tasks to attend to!
You still have 2 years in high school...this means we will still beseeing each other in the next 2 years. May you continue to be 'good students'...doing your very best to give your parents something to be proud of. Don't fail them...make them feel happy and proud.
As what i always told you then- YOU CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE. Do it now! and always remember the positive values you learned from your teachers...And of course always be respectful, obedient, studious and God-fearing. This way, you will stand out among the few who religiously practice 'Filipino values' by heart.
Thank you for the wonderful school year. It might not be the happiest, or the most exciting year of your life- yet, I know that this year is of course worth cherishing- as you find new friends and discover new things...As for me, it's something to it added color aand meaning to my life as a teacher, as an adviser. Hope you wont forget! Godbless my dear Philippians!! TCA!
Lovelots <3>